Monday, 5 December 2016

Still Life 'Self Portrait" 10/10/16

To practice further some of the continuous line drawing and shading skills we looked at in last weeks class.

The purpose of this homework was providing lavage towards future sessions, the aim was to focus using different techniques to enhance are knowledge and skills.

I started by doing a series of singular object drawings to practice before doing the main homework required. I wasn’t confident with my approach towards continuous line & pastel tone work so that’s where I decided to aim improvement on.
 Fine-Liner 3.0 was used for the continuous line drawings.
As well as understanding my skills I wanted to see what would work towards my main piece. I was concerned with the amount of objects required for the homework so here I experimented.

Headphones were a notable inclusion throughout the work, however I concluded with avoiding them because I wasn't satisfied with the final results in each practise sketch

I had to provide three different drawing describing myself through objects that relate to me, this meant I could be experimental with displaying the work as well as what would be displayed: A controller, Converse shoe, Coffee mug & A graphic novel.

 The final conclusion of the homework I was extremely pleased with the end results throughout each piece displaying a series of strong line work and I feel I displayed a good balance with detail and work on a limited time. Something which made the work effective was how I placed each object, not masking and hiding too much. The one mistake I feel was necessary was removing the text on the graphic novel, which was used for continues line, but was removed with the remaining pieces, however I didn't want to take too much time being bogged down with the detail. But does take away the viewers knowledge of a book, if reviewing the pastel piece separate.

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